1st Professional B.Sc in physiotherapy Examination of February 2015 held in April 2015

1st Professional B.Sc in physiotherapy Examination of February 2015 held in April 2015
Subject: Physiology-I (New Curriculum)
Full marks: 100 Time: 3 hours
Use separate answer script for each group
Answer any three parts from each question
All questions carry equal marks


Q: No: 01: a) Enumerate the organelles of cell and give the functions of one of them. Compare between active transport and facilitated diffusion.

b) Name the plasma proteins with their normal values. Discuss the properties of WBC.

c) Define hemostasis. Mention the basic mechanism of blood coagulation.

d) Write short notes on: i) Homeostasis ii) ECG

Q: No: 02: a) What is pulse? Mentions the sites of feeling peripheral pulse. Mention the criteria of pulse examination.

b) What is the landstainer’s law. State the hazards of blood transfusion.

c) Define pulmonary and alveolar ventilation. Discuss the mechanism of respiration.

d)  Write short notes on: i) Blood pressure ii) Urine formation


Q: No: 03: a) Name the hormones of adrenal gland. State the functions and regulation of parathyroid hormone.

b) Define digestion and absorption. Discuss the local hormone of GIT.

c) What is paralysis. Discuss the function of cerebellum.

d) Write short notes on: i) Water intake output chart ii) Calcium ion

Q: No: 04: a) Define and classify reflexes. State the pain pathways from periphery to center.

b) What is hyperthermia? Discuss the regulation of the body temperature.

c) What are the processes of protein metabolism? Explain glycolysis.

d) Write short notes on: i) Touch ii) Light reflex
