1st Professional B.Sc in Physiotherapy Examination of February 2015

1st Professional B.Sc in Physiotherapy Examination of February 2015
Subject: Electrotherapy (New Curriculum)
Full marks: 100 Time: 3 hours
Use separate answer script for each group
Answer any five questions from each group
All questions carry equal marks


Q: No: 01: What is transformer? Classify transformer. Write the uses of transformer.

Q: No: 02: Describe the indications, contraindications, Dangers & precautions of UVR therapy.

Q: No: 03: What are the advantages & Disadvantages of wax therapy? Describe the therapeutic effects of wax therapy.

Q: No: 04: What are the types of infra Red Ray? Describe the therapeutic effects of infra red ray therapy.

Q: No: 05: What are the parameters of TENS? Write the pain gate theory of TENS.

Q: No: 06: Write short notes on (any three): i) Triode valve ii) Adhesion & Cohesion iii) PUVA iv) EMG


Q: No: 07: Define Magnet. Write the properties of magnet. Describe the molecular theory of magnetic field.

Q: No: 08: Write the difference between the superficial & deep heat. Write the process of heat transmission.

Q: No: 09: Define wave length & frequency. Write the difference between high, medium & kow frequency current.

Q: No: 10: Define shock. Write the clinical feature & management of earth shock.

Q: No: 11: What is galvanic current? Describe the physiological effects of galvanic current.

Q: No: 12: Write short notes on (any three): i) Contrast bath ii) Fuse iii) Hydro collator pack iv) Anodal & cathodal galvanism
