Achilles tendon Taping

Achilles tendon Taping


Calcaneal tendon (. Fig. 4.5a): Tendonous extension of the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles, inserting into the posterior surface of the calcaneus bone below the bursa.

Transmission of force of the calf muscle to the ankle joint in plantar flexion Plantar flexion, flexion of the knee

Overloading and stretching of the achilles tendon, achillodynia

Tape application
The tape is measured from the calcaneus bone on the sole of the foot up to the muscle-tendon junction with the gastrocnemius muscle; the patient is in the prone position with maximum dorsal extension of the foot (Fig. 4.5b) Place the ankle in the neutral position and affix the base to the sole of the foot without tension to facilitate better adhesion (Fig. 4.5c)
Elongate the muscle and anchor the base, then affix the tape with maximum stretch over the tendon up to the muscle insertion. Affix the tape ends without tension (Fig. 4.5d). Fig. 4.5e shows the completed application in the resting position.

·         kumbrink-k-taping
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Page: 82-83
