Scoliosis deformity

In Scoliosis deformity which orthosis you will prescribe. Mention its clinical importance

Definition: It is a lateral (toward the side) curvature deformity in the spine from straight vertical line of the spine.
Common area: Lumber-thoracic
Diagnosis: By cobb’s sign
1.      PLID.
2.      Bad posture.
3.      Limb length discrepancy.
4.      Geriatric.
5.      Congenital.
6.      Degenerative.
Orthosis for scoliosis deformity:  Milwaukee brace, Boston brace
Clinical importance:
1.      Maintain correct postural alignment of spinal column to prevent tightness.
2.      Prevent or correct deformity.
3.      Provides support and firmness to a weak joint in a functional position.
4.      Provide protective immobilization.

5.      Maintain correct alignment patients that require less chest restriction and move ventilation and comfort. 
