Cock-up splint

Cock-up splin

  1. -          Immobilises or stabilizes the wrist in dorsiflexion with volar or dorsal support.
  2. -          Immobilizer is also needed for fracture healing and healing of nerve and soft tissue repairs.
  3. -          Maintains correct joint alignment.

  1. Wrist splint without Thumb spica:
  2. -          Boxer’s fracture.
  3. -          Wrist sprain
  4. -          Wrist strain
  5. -          Soft tissue injury
  6. -          Writs contracture
  7. -          Distal radial fracture
  8. -          General wrist pain
  9. Wrist splint with thumb spica:
  10. -          Scaphoid fracture
  11. -          Lunate fracture
  12. -          Trapezium fracture
  13. -          Carpal tunnel syndrome
  14. -          First metacarpal farcture
  15. -          De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
  16. -          Injury to the ulnar collateral ligament of the €Thumb.
