Acid fast bacteria (AFB)

Mycobacterium is called Acid fast bacteria (AFB):
Classification of Mycobacterium:
[A] Species always considered pathogens in humans:
1)      Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Causes tuberculosis in humans.
2)      Mycobacterium bovis: Causes tuberculosis in humans and cattle, spreads to many by cow’s milk.
3)      Mycobacterium leprae: Causes leprosy in humans.

[B] Atypical Mycobacteria: Opportunist pathogens in humans. Classification in to four groups:
1)      Photochromogens.
2)      Scotochromogens.
3)      Nonchromogens.
4)      Rapid growers.
[C] Saprophytic Mycobacterium: Not associated with human disease. E.g. M. Smegmatis, M.Phlei.
