Femoral triangle


·         Laterally: By medial border of sartorius.
·         Medially: By medial border of adductor longus.
·         Base: By Inguinal ligament.
·         Apex: By meeting point of sartorious & adductor longus.
·         Floor: By iliacus, psoas major, pectineus & adductor longus.
·         Roof: By the skin & fascia.


1)      Femoral sheath including femoral canal.
2)      Femoral artery & its branches.
3)      Lateral & medial circumflex femoral artery.
4)      Femoral vein with its tributaries.
5)      Femoral nerve with its branches.
6)      Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve.
7)      Deep inguinal lymph nodes.
8)      Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve.
9)      Some amount of fat.

Clinical importance:

1)      Femoral arterial pulsation is felt at the midinguinal point, against the head of femur and tendon of the psoas major.
2)      Femoral vein is most suitable for intravenous injestions in the infants & in those who have developed a peripheral circulatory failure as in ‘shock’.
3)      The inguinal lymph nodes are commonly enlarged and palpated in this femoral triangle.
