Cell Membrane

Definition (Cell membrane): The tough, elastic membrane that limits the protoplasmic contents of  a particular cell and separates them from other cells and the external environment, is called cell membrane or plasma membrane or plasmalemma.

Molecular composition:

The plasma membrane is composed of:
·         Phospholipids.
·         Cholestrol.
·         Protein (50%)
·         Chains of oligosaccharides covalently linked to phospholipid and protein molecules.

Structure: Several models for the plasma membrane structure have electron proposed, but ‘Fluid-mosaic’ model (Singer & Nicholson) is now generally accepted.


1)      Cell membrane maintains the structural integrity of cell.
2)      It controls movements of substances in and out of the cell (selective permeability).
3)      It regulates cell-to-cell interactions.
4)      Its function is recognition, via receptors, antigens, foreign cells, as well as altered cells.
5)      It acts as interface between cytoplasm & external milieu.
6)      It establishes transport system for specific molecules.
7)      It functions in transducing extracellular physical and or chemical signals into intracellular events.
