
Mechanism of action Benzodiazepines/Diazepam/Clobazem/Clonazepam/Loxazepum:

Binds to specific,high affinity sites on the cell membrane that are adjacent to the GABA receptor(in brain)
↑ Affinity of GABA receptor for GABA.
When GABA binds with it’s receptor →Opening of  channel
Entry of  from ECF to ICF.
Hyper-polarization & stabilzation of the cell membrane.
CNS depression/sedation

Pharmacological effects of Benzodiazepines/Diazepam:

[A]On CNS:

·         Sedation.
·         Hypnosis.
·         Anxiolysis.
·         Anasthesia.
·         Muscle relaxation.

[B]On respiratory system:Respiartory depression by-

·         ↓ sensitivity to .
·         Medullary depression.

[C]On GIT:

·         Relief GIT disorder such as IBS.
·         Reduce nocturnal HCl secretion.

[D]On CVS:

·         No significant effect at theraputic dose.
·         IN high dose-↓BP.

Indication of Diazepam/Benzodiazepines/Diazepum/Clonazepum:

1)      Anxiety=as anxiolytic.
2)      For insomnia.
3)      Sedation=as sedative.
4)      Hypnosis=as hypnotic.
5)      Seizure disorder=Epilepsy.Tetanus,Eclampsia.
6)      Muscle rigidity=as muscle relaxant.
7)      As diagnostic aids or for treatment in psychiatry.
8)      For control of ethanol or other sedative & hypnotic with drawal states.

Adverse effects of Benzodiazepines/Diazpam/Clonazepum:

[A] Over dose:Acute toxic effect (fatal)
[B] Normal dose:Undesired effect
·         Hange over effect.
·         Confusioin.
[C] Tolerance & dependency due to prolonged use:
a)      Pharmacokinetic tolerance:By barbiturate due to rapid metabolism by hepatic microsomal enz,induced by barbiturate.
b)      Pharmacodynamic tolerance:By BDZ due to down regulation of receptor.

Contraindication of diazepam: Myesthenia gravis.
