1st Professional B.Sc in physiotherapy Examination of February 2017 held in July 2017

1st Professional B.Sc in physiotherapy Examination of February 2017 held in July 2017
Subject: Kinesiology (New Curriculum)
Full marks: 100 Time: 3 hours
Use separate answer script for each group
Answer any five questions from each group
All questions carry equal marks


Q: No: 01: What do you mean by motor control principle ? Describe the physiological movement of both upper limb and lower limb.

Q: No: 02: Describe force and force resolution.

Q: No: 03: What is centre and line of gravity? What are the effect of gravity on human body?

Q: No: 04: Describe lever and lever principle with anatomical example.

Q: No: 05: What is tension? What is muscular contraction? Describe isometric and isotonic muscle contraction with their example.

Q: No: 06: Write short notes on: a) Muscular inefficiency b) Reflex c) Group action of muscle


Q: No: 07: What is joint & type of its. Describe degrees of freedom with example.

Q: No: 08: What is closed packed and open packed position? Describe all joint involved their & with their therapeutic effects.

Q: No: 09: Describe posture & postural mechanism. What are the responsible factor for good & bad posture?

Q: No: 10: What is gait & gait cycle? Describe phages of gait cycle.

Q: No: 11: What are the characteristics of skeletal muscles? Difference between contraction & non-contractile elements.

Q: No: 12: Write short notes on: a) Two & four pint gait b) Axes & Planes
