1st Professional B.Sc in physiotherapy Examination of February 2015 held in April 2015

University of Dhaka
1st Professional B.Sc in physiotherapy Examination of February 2015 held in April 2015
Subject: Anatomy-I (New Curriculum)
Full marks: 100 Time: 3hours
Use separate answer script for each group
Answer any three parts from each group
All questions carry equal marks


Q: No: 01: a) Classify muscle tissue with example. Write down the difference between skeletal & cardiac muscle.

b) Draw & label brachial plexus. Write in short Erb’s paralysis.

c) Name the muscle of anterior compartment of arm. Write down their attachment action & nerve supply Biceps brachii, Brachialis, Coracobrachialis.

d) Write short notes on: i) Gluteus maximus ii) Intervertebral disc

Q: No: 02: a) Describe hip joint. Name the extensor group of muscle of hip joint with nerve supply.

b) Write down the structures passing through greater & lesser sciatic notch. Describe sciatic nerve.

c) Define dermatome. Draw & label dermatome of right lower limb.

d) Write short notes on: i) Muscle of face ii) Periosteam


Q: No: 03: a) Name the muscle of mastication with nerve supply. Write in short Temperomendibular joint.

b) Define cartilaginous joint. Classify synovial joint with example.

c) Write the origin insertion & nerve supply of trapezius muscle.

d) Write short notes on: i) Arch of foot ii) Anatomical snuff box

Q: No: 04: a) Name the muscle of back of the leg. Give the origin insertion & nerve supply gastrocnemius & soleus.

b) Write down membranous organelle. Mention the function of endoplasmic reticulum.

c) Name the muscle around shoulder joint. Give the origin insertion action & nerve supply of Deltoid muscle.

d) Write short notes on: i) Carotid triangle ii) Exraoccular muscle
