1st Professional B.Sc in physiotherapy Examination of February 2017 held in July 2017

1st Professional B.Sc in physiotherapy Examination of February 2017 held in July 2017
Subject: Biochemistry (New Curriculum)
Full marks: 100 Time: 3 hours
Use separate answer script for each group
Answer any two parts from each question
All questions carry equal marks


Q: No: 01: a) Define buffer. Name the extracellular buffer systems. Which one is the most effective among them & why?

b) What is enzyme? Classify enzyme according to IUB-MB with one example of each. Enumerate the factors affecting enzyme action.

c) Write short notes on: i) Respiratory chain ii) Nucleic acid

Q: No: 02: a) Define and classify lipids with exampe. State the biomedical importance of glucose.

b) How peptide bond is formed? Classify protein according to their function. Enumerate

c) Write shorts notes: i) Isotopes ii) Iso-enzyme

Q: No: 03: a) Define essential nutrients. Name the essential nutrients. Give the importance of dietary fiber.

b) Name four important trace elements. What are the sources, functions and deficiency features of iron and zinc?

c) Write short notes on: i) Balanced diet ii) BMI


Q: No: 04: a) Enumerate the water soluble vitamins with chemical name. What are the sources, functions and deficiency features of vitamin B12?

b) Enumerate the antioxidant vitamins. What are the sources, functions and deficiency features of vitamin C?

c) Write shorts notes on: i) Calcitriol ii) B- carotene

Q: No: 05: a) Name the pathways of carbohydrate metabolism. What is gluconeogenesis? Why TCA cycle is called the amphibolic pathway?

b) Define and classify glycolysis. Show the glycolytic pathway with flow chart.

c) Write short notes on: i) Diabetes mellitus ii) HMP shunt pathway

Q: No: 06: a) Name the pathways of lipid metabolism. State about the B-oxidation of fatty acid.

b) What is transamination and oxidative deamination? Enumerate the sources and fates of ammonia.

c) Write short notes on: i) Ketone bodies ii) Urea cycle
