4th Professional (Pharmacology-II ) B.Sc in Physiotherapy Examination August, held in November 2012

4th Professional B.Sc in Physiotherapy Examination August, held in November 2012
Subject: Pharmacology-II (New Curriculum)
Full marks: 100 Time: 3 hours
Use separate answer script for each group
Answer any three questions from each group
All questions carry equal marks


Q: No: 01: a) Enlist narcotic (opioid) analgesics. What are the pharmacological effects of Morphin?
b) Classify sedative hypnotics. Write down the indication of diaepum.
c) Name the adrenergic drug. Write down the indication of adrenaline.
d) Write short notes on: i) SSRI ii) Chloropromazine

Q: No: 02: a) Enlist Neuro-muscular blocker. How does succnylecholine act? Write its one important indication.
b) Write the name of β-blockers. Write four indication and contraindication of propranolol.
c) Name the glucocorticoids. Write down the mechanism of action of it.
d) Write short notes on: i) Levodopa ii) Phenvtion


Q: No: 03: a) Enlist cholinergic drug. Write down the management of OPC poisoning.
b) Name some diuretics. Write down the indication and adverse effects of thiazide.
c) Write the name of intra venous anesthetics. Mention the components of balanced anesthesia.
d) Write short notes on: i) low does aspirin ii) Local anesthetics

Q: No: 04: a) Name the iron preparation. Write down the indication of iron therapy.
b) What is pre-anesthetics medication? Write the justification of use of them.
c) Enlist water soluble vitamins. Mention the role of calcium in bone formation.
d) Write down the indication: i) Atropine ii) Lisinopril
