4th Professional (Pharmacology-II ) B.Sc in Physiotherapy Examination August held in September 2014

4th Professional B.Sc in Physiotherapy Examination August held in September 2014
Subject: Pharmacology-II (New Curriculum)
Full marks: 100 Time: 3 hours
Use separate answer script for each group
Answer any three questions from each question
All questions carry equal marks


Q: No: 01: a) Enlist the drug used as pre anapestic medication with the objective of their use.
b) What is Catecholamine? Write the pharmacological effects of adrenaline.
c) Enlist B-blocker. How does Atenolol lowers BP?
d) Write down the difference between:
i) Atenolol & Propranolol ii) Diazepum & Phenobarbitone

Q: No: 02: a) Enumerate the sympathomimetic drugs. What are the indications of adrenaline?
b) Enlist the gluco-corticoids used in bronchial asthma. How steroid help in asthma control?
c) Write down the central pharmacological effects of morphine. What are the difference between morphine & pathedine.
d) Write short notes on: i) Atropine analogues ii) Ketamine iii) Low does aspirin


Q: No: 03: a) Enlist the drugs used in Parkinsonism. Write down the adverse effect of levodopa.
b) Enlist anti-platelet drug. Mention how low does aspirin acts.
c) Name five important anti-depressant drugs. Write the indications of imipramine.
d) Write the indications of (any two):
i) Neostigmine ii) Thiazide iii) Dobutamine

Q: No: 04: a) Write down the indication and adverse effects of frusemide.
b) Enlist haematinics. How will you treat a case of acute iron poisoning?
c) Enumerate antipsychotic drugs. What are the advantages of atypical drugs over typical.
d) Write down the adverse effects of (any two):
i) Aminophylline ii) Nifedipine iii) Lignocaine
