4th Professional (Pharmacology-II) B.Sc in Physiotherapy Examination June 2013

4th Professional B.Sc in Physiotherapy Examination June 2013
Subject: Pharmacology-II (New Curriculum)
Full marks: 100 Time: 3 hours
Use separate answer script for each group
Answer any three questions from each question
All questions carry equal marks


Q: No: 01: a) Enlist opioid analgesics. Write down the indication and adverse effects of morphine.
b) Name the antidepressant drugs. Mention the mechanical of action and adverse effects of amitryptiline.
c) Enumerate local anesthetics drug according to route of administration. Why adrenaline is added along with local anesthetic.
d) Write short notes on: i) Chlorpromazine ii) Diazepam

Q: No: 02: a) Enlist sympathomimetic drug. Write down the indications of adrenaline.
b) Name the calcium channel blockers. Give their adverse effects.
c) Write down the drug used in Bronchial asthma. Mention the mechanism of action and adverse effects of salbutamol.
d) Write the indication of i) Propranolol ii) Thiazide diurectics


Q: No: 03: a) Enlist cholinesterase inhibitors. Write down the indications of neostigmine.
b) Enlist Angiotensim converting enzyme inhibitors. Write down the indications and contraindication of ramipril.
c) Enumerate the name of diuretics according to efficiency. Write down the adverse effects of Frusmid.
d) Write short notes on: i) Low does aspirin ii) Neurotransmitter

Q: No: 04: a) Name the iron preparations. Write down the indications of iron therapy.
b) What is balanced anesthesia? Write down the components of it.
c) Classify peripheral muscle relaxant. Write the indications of suxamethonium.
d) Write short notes on: i) Phenytion ii) Levodopa
