3st Professional B.Sc in physiotherapy Examination of August held in November 2012

3st Professional B.Sc in physiotherapy Examination of August held in November 2012
Subject: Neurology (New Curriculum)
Full marks: 100 Time: 3 hours
Use separate answer script for each group
Answer any four questions from each group
All questions carry equal marks


Q.No:01:Define stroke.Write down the causes of ischaemic stroke of a young boy.Which complications may develop in an unconscious patient of stroke.

Q.No:02:What is Meningism?Compare CSF study of bacterial and viral meningitis.Write down the treatment of tubercular meningitis.

Q.No:03:Define Seizure.Write down the management of generalized tonic-clonic seziure.When anti-epileptic therapy is given in a case of single seizure?

Q.No:04:Define dementia.Write down the reversible causes of dementia.What are the sequels of head injury?

Q.No:05:What are the clinical presentations of parkinson disease?What is management of a case of parkinson disease?


Q.No:06:What is myelination?What are the clinical features of multiple sclerosis?How will you manage a patient of multiple sclerosis?

Q.No:07:Define cerebral palsy.What are the clinical features of cerebral palsy?Give the management of cerebral palsy.

Q.No:08:What are the clinical features of Myesthenia gravis?Write down the management of myesthenia gravis.

Q.No:09:Define GBS.Write down the clinical features of GBS.Give the management of a case of GBS.

Q.No:10:Write short notes: i)Syringomyelia ii)Spina bifida iii)Duchenne muscular dystrophy iv)Carpal tunnel syndrome v)Trigeminal neuralgia
