3 rd Professional B.Sc in physiotherapy Examination February held in June 2013

University of Dhaka
3 rd Professional B.Sc in physiotherapy Examination February held in June 2013
Subject: Neurology (New Curriculum)
Full marks: 100 Time: 3 hours
Use separate answer script for each group
Answer any four questions from each group
All questions carry equal marks


Q.No:01:Define Seizure.Mention common causes of seizure.How would you manage a case of status epilepticus.

Q.No:02:Define Stroke.What are the risk factors of stroke?What are the secondary complications of stroke.

Q.No:03:Define Head injury.How will you assess a patient of head injury?What are the sequels of head injury?

Q.No:04:Write down the clinical presentation of parkinson disease.What are the management of a case of parkinson disease.

Q.No:05:What is meningism?What are the clinical features of tubercular meningitis?Write down the treatment of tubercular meningitis.


Q.No:06:Define Cerebral palsy.What are the clinical features of cerebral palsy?Give the management of cerebral palsy.

Q.No:07:Classify muscle disease.What are the differences between Duchene and Becker muscular dystroy?Mention the investigations done to detect muscular dystropy.

Q.No:08:Define GBS.Write down the clinical features of GBS.Give the management of a case of GBS.

Q.No:09:What are the clinical features of Maysthenia gravis?Write down the management of myasthenia gravis.

Q.No:10:Write short notes:
a)      Trigeminal neuralgia
b)      Spina bifida
c)      Carpal tunnel syndrome
d)      Syringomyelia
e)      Acute demyelination encephalomyelitis 
