Unstable angina

Unstable by angina is a clinical syndrome that is characterized by new-onset or rapidly worsening angina (Crescendo angina), angina on minimal exertion or angina at rest in the absence of myocardial damage.
Acute coronary syndrome is a term that encompasses both unstable angina and myocardial infarction.

Pathogenesis: Fissuring of atheromatous plaque which is associated with thrombosis or vasospasm (supply led ischemia).In contrast stable angina is related to a fixed obstruction and usually precipitated by an increase in myocardial oxygen demand.

ECG: In patient with unstable angina or partial thickness myocardial infarction the ECG shows ST/T wave changes and T wave inversion; the T wave changes are sometimes prolonged.

·         More severs.
·         More frequent ( 3 or more attacks per day)
·         More prolonged.
·         Provoked by less exertion or even at rest.
·         Less relived by usual remedial measure.
·         Referred to new sites.
·         Unusual new symptoms.

Unstable angina: Risk stratification:

High risk
Low risk
Post infraction angina. Recurrent pain at rest. Heart failure.
No history of MI. Rapid resolution of symptoms.
ST depression.
Transient ST elevation.
Persistent deep T wave inversion.
Minor or no ECG changes.
Troponin T >0.1 µg/L
Troponin T < 0.1µg/L


[A] Initial treatment:

a)      Immediate hospitalization.
b)      Bed rest.
c)      Aspirin: 300 mg followed by 75-325 mg daily long term and clopidogrel 300 mg followed by 75 mg daily for 12 months.
d)     Β-blocker: Atenolol 50-100 mg daily or metoprolol 50-100 mg 12 hourly.
e)      Calcium channel blocker: Nifedipine (with β blocker).
f)       Anticoagulant therapy with heparin (i/v infusion of unfractional heparin with does adjusted thrombin time, or as subcutaneous low molecular wt. heparin)
[B] If pain persists or recurs: Intravenous nitrates- GTN 0.6-1.2 mg/hour or isosorbide dinitrate 1-2 mg/hour.
[C] If medical treatment fails: Emergency coronary angiography should be done then PTCA or CABG.


1.      Davidson’s Principle and Practice of Medicine, 21st edition.
2.      Wikipedia the free encyclopedia.
