Potency & efficacy

Potency & efficacy

Efficacy:The effect produced by drug is called efficacy.
·         Amiloride cause 5%  excertion→Low efficacy.
·         Thiazide cause 10%  excertion→Moderate efficacy.
·         Frusemide cause 25%  excertion→High efficacy.

Potency:Any response or effect of a drug by a fixed dose is called potency.It is expressed in w/w.Potency is influenced by-
·         Absorption.
·         Distribution.
·         Biotransformation.
·         Excertion of drug.

Difference between potency & efficacy:

1.Potency does not help to choose among drug.
1.Efficacy help to choose among drugs.
2.Potency determine the administered dose of the choosen drug.
2.Efficacy determine clinical effectiveness of a drug.
3.Efficacy≡Intrinsic activity
4.Potency is affected by affinity of receptors for binding the drug and also by efficiency of drug receptor interactions.
4.Efficacy may be affected by the characteristics of a particular drug receptors interaction.
5.Clinical significance:important in durgs of low theraputic index.
5.Important in clinical effectiveness of a drug
