Blood Transfusion

Define transfusion & Infusion. (Viva)

Definition (Transfusion): Introduction of blood or any
Blood products directly into the blood.
** Definition (Infusion): Therapeutic introduction of any fluid, other than blood directly into the circulation is known as infusion.

Q: 02=what are the blood components? (Viva)

Ans=Types of blood components:

a.      Whole blood.
b.      Packed red cells.
c.       Platelet rich plasma.
d.      Platelet concentrate(Cryoprecipitate)
e.       Plasma
f.       4.5% Human albumin
g.                  Fresh frozen plasma.
h.      Factors 8&9 concentrate.
i.        Fibrinogen

what are the indication, contraindication &Complication of
blood transfusion? Give the management of mismatched blood Transfusion. (Nov-10)(July-11)

Ans=Indication of blood transfusion:

  (1)For the replacement of acute sever blood loss,
·         Crush injury, major fracture.    
·         Rupture spleen, Liver, great vessels.
·         Bleeding peptic ulcer.
·         Rupture ectopic pregnancy.
(2)For the correction of peri-operative anemia,

Major operation:
·         Gastrectomy, thyroid surgery.
·         Heart, Lung surgery.
·         Liver surgery etc.

(3)Sever burn, gross infection, and septicemia.
(4)Sever anaemia – (Hook warm) packed cells.
(5)Certain blood disorders:
·         Hemophilia.
·         Leukemia.
·         a plastic anemia.
(6) During chemotherapy.
(7) Certain liver disease.

v Contraindication of blood transfusion:

(1) Advanced bilateral renal disease.
(2)Sever heart disease.
(3) Hypertension.
(4) Established heart failure.
 (5) Coronary artery thrombosis.
(6) Pulmonary odema, embolism.
(7) Polycythaemia.

v Complication of blood transfusion:

(1)   Febrile reactions.
·         Pyrogen and minor bacterial contamination.
·         Immunological reaction to WBC, Platelet.
·         Unexplained.
     (2)Allergic reactions:
               #Plasma antigen from donor occasionally cause itch, headache.    (3)Hemolytic reactions :( 50 ml blood can cause)
·          Acute intravascular haemolysis.
·         Pain at infusion site.
·         Loin pain.
·          Hypotension, chest pain, renal failure.
(4)Physical complications:
·         Circulatory embolism.
·         Air embolism.
·         Pulmonary embolism.
(5)Metabolic complications:
·         Hyperkalaemia.
(6)Transmission of diseases,
·         Hepatitis B.
·         AIDS.
·         Syphilis.
·         Malaria etc.
(7)Hemorrhagic reactions:
·         After massive transfusion of stored blood.
·         DIC.
(8)Haemosiderosis=after repeated transfusion.

**Complication of massive blood transfusion:

(1) Hypothermia.
(2) Multiple micro emboli.
(3) Acid base disturbance, metabolic acidosis.
(4) Jaundice.
(5) Hyperkalamia.

v Management of blood transfusion:

·         Immediately stop the transfusion.
(1)    Inj.Hydrocortisone 100 mg.
(2)    Inj.Chlorpheniramine 10 mg.
(3)    Keep the I/V line open with 0.9% NaCL.
(4)    Heparinization.
(5)    Vasopressor drugs.
(6)    O2 inhalation.
(7)    Diuretics.
(8)    Mannitol(Increase BP & Urine output)
(9)    Bicarbonate with Ringer”s lactate
(10)     Dialysis, if required-peritoneal and haemodialysis
(11)     Check identity against name on unit
(12)        Send the unit of blood, sample of fresh blood & urine
(For haemoglobinuria) to the lab.

 what are the clinical features of blood transfusion? (Viva)

Ans=Clinical features:

A)   Immediate:

1. Chill.
2. Rigor.
3. Fever spike up to 40’ c
4. Features of shock
5. Tachycardia
6. Lion pain
7. Constriction pain of chest and back
8. Hypotension
9. Occipital headache
10. Vomiting
11. Muscle Cramp
12. DIC

B)   Delayed:

1. Jaundice
2. Haemoglobinuria.
