
Definition: It is a pressurized device designed to heat aqueous solutions above their boiling point to achieve sterilization.It was invented by Charles chamber land in 1879.


a)      At atmospheric pressure water boils at 100 c.
b)      With the rise of pressure the bolinig point of water also rises.
c)      Steam under pressure unmixed with air has more tem than the mixed with air.
d)     Steam under pressure has more penetrating power.This is due to the fact that steam.


a)      It is the best method of sterilization as bacteria,virus,Parasite, fungus including the spore are killed.
b)      Modern portable autoclave can be used any where if there is supply of electricity and distilled water.
c)      There is no churring of cotton materials.
d)     Correct temperature pressure and the holding time can be achived.


a)      Culture media containing the egg and serum can’t be sterilized because the heat can denature the protein of the serum and the egg.
b)      Powder,grease and oil can’t be sterilized by the autoclave.
c)      Sharp surgical instrument can’t be sterilized because the sharpness may be destroyed due to the effect of the steam.
